Thursday, February 7, 2013



3 ripe mangoes
3/4 cup frozen strawberries
125 g of vanilla or mango yogurt
3/4 cup full cream milk
4-5 ice cubes
sugar (optional - if you want a sweeter taste but it's healthier without)

Put all the solid ingredients in a blender arranging them with the ice cubes at the bottom, frozen strawberries next and the mangoes on the top. Then pour all the liquid ingredients last. Having them in that order makes sure that the ice cubes and the frozen strawberries get blended fast and will mix well with the rest.

If you don't have frozen strawberries you can substitute it with frozen bananas. If you have leftover bananas that is going overripe, peel them and store in the freezer. Use them when you feel like having some rich and thick smoothie.

This will provide you your daily need for vitamin C plus calcium and fiber.


Makes 2 generous servings.

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