Monday, March 18, 2013


I just had a fairly huge grocery haul when I came up with this recipe. I had good finds at the supermarket and wanted to make use of the rare ingredients I got. So I came up with this dish.
What we need:
500g chicken legs
1 tbsp. rosemary
1 small container of plain yogurt
freshly ground pepper
sea salt, to taste
Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Canola Oil
juice from half a lemon
2 oz butter (around 1/4 of a regular brick of butter)
fresh basil, for garnish
Marinate the chicken in yogurt, rosemary, salt and pepper the night before and keep in the fridge out of the freezer.
On the cooking day, drizzle a fair amount of extra virgin olive oil on a skillet to prevent the chicken from sticking on the pan plus adding more flavor to the meat. On medium high heat, sear the chicken until golden brown. For those new to cooking, the best indication any meat is ready for turning is when you lift it with a flat spatula, it easily gets off the pan surface.
After all the chicken is cooked, keep the pan in heat but put it on low. Deglaze the pan with the juice from half the lemon, incorporating the oil and juices left by the chicken on the pan by mixing it with the spatula. Then, add the butter and mix it well. You can add a teaspoon of mustard to thicken as well as add more flavor to the glaze.
Once the glaze is thicker and blended, pour it on the chicken and serve with fresh basil.
Eat it with rice, corn or a mix of different vegetables. Enjoy!

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